Zodiac, which star sign are you?

Leos are outgoing, Virgos loyal and Pisces intuitive. Which star sign are you?


The zodiac is tied to the annual path of the sun across the sky and the constellations through which it travels every year. Each of the 12 star signs – Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces – originate from the groups of stars along the sun’s path. And astrology uses the alignment of the planets on the day you were born to determine your sign and, as such, the character traits you’ll exhibit most strongly.

The 12 symbols in Zodiac represent each of the star signs and the pattern uses Dandelyne’s mini hoop necklaces as an easy gifting option. The individual symbols are really quick to embroider and come in two different sizes, along with printable gift cards for two different hoop sizes. The gift cards have notches for the necklace chain and three positive personality traits for each sign. And the colours on each card are those associated with that particular sign of the zodiac, giving you options when it comes to thread choice.

Zodiac is an easy pattern that can be used over and over again to make fun, personalised gifts once you’ve stitched your own star sign. It’s available as a PDF pattern for instant download from my online shop.